Nestled within the City of Gaithersburg, MD is Asbury Methodist Village (AMV), a continuing care retirement community (CCRC) and certified Wildlife at Work site situated on 134 acres and designated as a certified arboretum. Ecotone recently completed construction on two regenerative stormwater conveyance systems (Reaches 1 and 2) designed by Bayland Consultants totaling 1,550 linear feet that will reduce stream channel erosion and offsite transport of sediment.
Reach 1 is within a 17 acre on campus wildlife preserve. Heavily eroded streambanks have been stabilized throughout the reach and 17 weir step pool structures have been installed to minimize the transport of sediment to an in-line downstream pond. Construction was completed on Reach 1 in February 2021 and a diverse mix of over 2000 trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants will be installed later this year.
Reach 2 is located directly adjacent to the Villa’s, a wooded enclave of brick homes across Russel Avenue from the Main Campus of AMV. Over time this stream adjacent to the Villa’s had migrated closer to the structures and was becoming a concern for the future structural integrity of resident patios and decks. A Magnum Stone gravity retaining wall, installed by Roche Brothers, Inc. was integrated into the overall restoration effort and installed in the Fall 2020. The stream was relocated away from the buildings, and the last of 14 weirs were installed in Reach 2 in January 2021 to better manage the conveyance of stormwater through this stretch of stream.
Ecotone completed construction as part of an integrated team consisting of CMS Associates LLC who completed overall construction management; Bayland Consultants who completed the design and permitting, Roche Brothers, Inc. who installed the gravity wall, and Bartenfelder Landscaping Services, Inc. who completed final landscape planting. If interested in viewing drone footage of the project throughout the duration construction or to check in over time to see progress as the site matures, follow Mike Jones, the Asbury Methodist Village Facilities Manager on Youtube at: Michael Jones – YouTube
Reach I
View Drone Footage of Reach I, 12/23/2020
Reach II